FAILURE of Leadership. We all talk a lot about leadership on this platform - the impact of good and bad leadership. However, we rarely talk about the failure of leadership in our government - which is the largest employer in the country. Our elected officials from both parties can unite overnight to provide $40 Billion of military aid to help fight a war against Russian aggression - which we should - but they can't agree on sensible gun laws here in the US?! This is an outrage. This is embarrassing. This is a failure of leadership. Both parties. Doesn't matter which party holds the White House. Doesn't matter which party controls Congress. Epic fail by everyone - each administration. Leaders don't blame. Leaders get things done. Different times call for different types of leadership styles: Consultative and Collaborative isn't working. This is not the time for humble leadership either. Where is the hero leader who can act and demonstrate AUTHORITATIVE leadership? If we can agree to send TENS of BILLIONS of dollars to help protect and save innocent people around the world...AND WE the very least we should also be able to agree on how to save and protect our children at home in school. Let's just start there. It would cost a fraction of the financial aid we provide to protect people abroad - to secure every school in the US. And not by arming teachers...that is nonsense so stop it. Roughly half of schools already have professionally trained armed guards. We need to fund the other half...and provide protocols for security cameras and securing school environments. We don't need tactical teams in military gear standing guard like at airports and military bases scaring children - which some opponents say is the reason not to have armed security. That is nonsense too. My daughter's school has lovely, warm, plain clothes professional security - who carry concealed weapons - and secure access and egress. Everyone knows it. Students aren't scared. They feel safe. We don't have to have a 2nd Amendment debate now. But if you aren't old enough to buy a beer or a pack of cigarettes then you aren't old enough to buy a gun. I now have to wait up to six months for my TSA pre-check to renew - but I don't have to wait for a background check to buy a gun in many states? Insane. You need to take tests to get a license to drive a car but not buy and operate an assault weapon? Disgraceful. Get this done. Hold a press conference every single day and name and shame every politician from each party that won't cooperate. Bring massive pressure on the lobbyists and threaten to bring the full force of the US government on them. Issue an executive order and let the courts decide but in the meantime our kids will be safe. Just get it done. Secure the schools. Save our children. Do your job.