The Queen is an underrated leader. 70 years of constancy. Quiet, humble, gracious, resilient, impactful and influential - without authority! That is great leadership. Today all of Great Britain unites, honors and celebrates - history and tradition. Even US television is airing the Platinum Jubilee live. That is Influence and Impact. Honestly, a welcome escape from the daily headlines of more violence, tragedy and divisiveness. Perhaps our elected leaders should take note. And instead of being loud, angry, and divisive, tearing down our statues, institutions and history - we can rally around and take pride in all that is good here and how far we've come. A little national pride goes a long way. And speaking of Pride - June being Pride Month - we should be proud that nowhere in the world is the LGBTQ+ community more respected, more welcomed, with more allies. There is still a long way to go...but for now lets celebrate how far we've grown as a nation and community as a beacon of freedom and hope. There is a reason why so many millions of people across the globe still try to make a new life here...
Failure of Leadership
FAILURE of Leadership. We all talk a lot about leadership on this platform - the impact of good and bad leadership. However, we rarely talk about the failure of leadership in our government - which is the largest employer in the country. Our elected officials from both parties can unite overnight to provide $40 Billion of military aid to help fight a war against Russian aggression - which we should - but they can't agree on sensible gun laws here in the US?! This is an outrage. This is embarrassing. This is a failure of leadership. Both parties. Doesn't matter which party holds the White House. Doesn't matter which party controls Congress. Epic fail by everyone - each administration. Leaders don't blame. Leaders get things done. Different times call for different types of leadership styles: Consultative and Collaborative isn't working. This is not the time for humble leadership either. Where is the hero leader who can act and demonstrate AUTHORITATIVE leadership? If we can agree to send TENS of BILLIONS of dollars to help protect and save innocent people around the world...AND WE the very least we should also be able to agree on how to save and protect our children at home in school. Let's just start there. It would cost a fraction of the financial aid we provide to protect people abroad - to secure every school in the US. And not by arming teachers...that is nonsense so stop it. Roughly half of schools already have professionally trained armed guards. We need to fund the other half...and provide protocols for security cameras and securing school environments. We don't need tactical teams in military gear standing guard like at airports and military bases scaring children - which some opponents say is the reason not to have armed security. That is nonsense too. My daughter's school has lovely, warm, plain clothes professional security - who carry concealed weapons - and secure access and egress. Everyone knows it. Students aren't scared. They feel safe. We don't have to have a 2nd Amendment debate now. But if you aren't old enough to buy a beer or a pack of cigarettes then you aren't old enough to buy a gun. I now have to wait up to six months for my TSA pre-check to renew - but I don't have to wait for a background check to buy a gun in many states? Insane. You need to take tests to get a license to drive a car but not buy and operate an assault weapon? Disgraceful. Get this done. Hold a press conference every single day and name and shame every politician from each party that won't cooperate. Bring massive pressure on the lobbyists and threaten to bring the full force of the US government on them. Issue an executive order and let the courts decide but in the meantime our kids will be safe. Just get it done. Secure the schools. Save our children. Do your job.
I see MUCH more reward than risk in hiring boomerang employees! Major life disruption is a primary catalyst for career reflection. And companies throwing money and perks around like they are free contributed to the Great Resignation too. That is understandable. But while market forces and influences may change, fundamentals for sustained engagement and fulfillment do not: Culture and Purpose win. If it takes leaving for perspective - that will only make employees even more committed and engaged if you welcome them back! At Ellucian, we are not only a destination for new hires, but for boomerangs too…Welcome back!
Hiring Great Resignation ‘boomerang employees’ (
What a tremendous week at #eLive2022! I served as emcee for three exciting days of activities and had the honor of interviewing Aaron Sorkin — one of the greatest storytellers of our time. My sincere thanks to the Ellucian team and our extended production staff, all of the speakers, and the many thousands of educators who attended in-person and virtually. It was truly an event to remember! #ellucianlife
Lessons in Leadership
Lessons in Leadership! Imagine your next company celebration...the person giving remarks makes a joke that an executive doesn't like and he walks up to the stage and assaults the person and calmly walks back to his seat...and then shouts obscenities in front of everyone. What would happen? What would you do? Would you then give that person Employee of the Year Award 15 minutes later and applaud because he cries and says he is defending his family and apologizes to everyone except the person he assaulted? I have loved Will Smith from the Fresh Prince through every major film - but last night he committed a criminal act and assaulted Chris Rock on international television because he didn't like a joke - and then calmly walked back to his seat and screamed obscenities. And no one does anything about it...and thats ok?! Why wasn't he escorted out of the arena in handcuffs? Why wasn't he disqualified from receiving the award...where was the Academy leadership? And because the actor cries and says he is defending his family and trying to "be the light" and do what "God put him there to do" but doesn't apologize to the viewers, parents, children or Chris Rock...doesn't express remorse - instead justifies his actions?!?! Great leadership! All around! Where is the outrage? Then he is filmed partying afterwards with great joy -- not even demonstrating an ounce of remorse or humility afterwards!? Shameful. We need to make sure that our children know that actors are not role models...they are just actors...we pay them to entertain us. We register our opinion by choosing to pay and watch them or not. Unfortunately our society too often fawns over celebrity and kids follow the wrong "role models." Millions of young adult men who idolize Will Smith now think it is ok to assault someone if they don't like their words. I for one am done supporting anything Will Smith does unless he pays some price like anyone else would...and he expresses genuine remorse, asks for forgiveness, and somehow makes this right for the millions of parents and their children who admire him.
March Musings
I haven't posted here in a month...It has been a month of there is a lot on my mind.
I guess we're done with Covid...? Masks? Boosters?
Amazon announced they are closing their Seattle office because of crime...
Someone gets attacked every day in my hometown of NYC...on the streets...or in the subway...or now in a museum...
And then of course there are the horrors of Ukraine...the sites my daughter and I visited weeks before the obliterated...friends in hiding and leaving their country...I am riveted to the television...I can't believe what we all are watching...and that it is 2022 and it is happening...
And Human Rights Watch chronicles the violations and atrocities that occur every day around the world...
So I just didn't feel like posting something banal about the "Great Resignation" - because everyone in media is now an expert - and they have finally "cracked the code" on the reasons why people are unhappy at work and leaving their jobs...the truth is there is nothing new here...if that was a mystery to you...if you think what people want is "new" - then you either haven't been paying attention or you are new to this - but this is not new...according to every survey most people have always been unhappy at work; because of feckless, self-important managers; work without meaning; the struggles balancing personal and professional make ends meet...and then when you add that we've all experienced a two-year global existential crisis...well...more people have more opportunity now to finally say "Take This Job and Shove It"...which was written nearly 50 years ago...just sayin'.
Which leads me to Spring Break - an annual ritual that is also not new - but one I have a new appreciation for this year...
With spring break season officially underway in the US - now more than ever I understand the excessive, uninhibited partying...the need to let loose and escape...when you consider the insanity of the reality in which our youth have had to live these past two years...and with everything going on I get it this year more than ever!
But PLEASE...remind everyone to "spring break" responsibly...carefully...safely. We already have 6 West Point Cadets "spring breaking" in the hospital ODing on Fentynol laced cocaine...and tens of thousands of the next generation dying each year of similar overdoses...
You can let loose without being reckless. Take care of each other...not advantage of each other. You can have fun, be respectful, responsible...and stay alive...all at the same time...
Happy National Women's History Month everyone. When I think about the positive influences in my life -- they have mostly been women. Thank you. I would not be here without you.
I'm not looking for "likes" - just pay it forward. Thanks.
New Year's Resolutions
January 1st and I have already broken one resolution! Not to make any resolutions! 😊. Hope springs eternal though! I am determined to follow the science of habits - breaking old ones and making new ones to help be more successful with resolutions in 2022 than ever before!
The Science Behind Habits and New Year’s Resolutions - PBS
Sunday Scaries
No matter how enjoyable Friday and Saturday were, according to a LinkedIn Survey, 80 percent of professionals say they experience the Sunday Scaries - workplace stress flooding the mind with worries in anticipation of the week ahead. Not me…at least not today…not with this view that I woke up to! 😉. End your weekly time off on a high note otherwise you are cheating yourself and not bringing your best self to work on Monday.
Happy Sunday!
Disappearing Act
Many decided enough! Enough with the daily grind and unnecessary stressful life trade offs. Enough with soulless environments. Enough with taking me for granted. Employers…you are on notice…the shift in attitude is real and permanent. Most people need to work. But they don’t need to work for you. Make it work for them!
4.3 Million Workers Are Missing. Where Did They Go? - WSJ
What Do We Want? Flexibility!
“When it comes to promotions, the company plans to focus more on the quality of people’s work and minimize the significance of things like networking dinners.”