A new week begins and new volunteers join the fight to beat this virus and help those in need. To all of the people who are redefining "skilled" vs. "unskilled" - "essential vs. nonessential" - thank you! You are all heroes. Let's change those labels forever. Despite the national social distancing - we are more together as a nation than we have been in years - which is amazing when you consider the division that was ripping our nation apart just a short time ago. Let's not return to that when we beat this. Lead boldly. Do what you can to help.
I have launched this website - Gotogreg.com to provide career advice and resume reviews for those New Yorkers who have lost their jobs as a result of this crisis. There are so many other ways we all can help - in our local communities or more broadly - large and small it doesn't matter - whatever you can do - just please pay it forward in some way. Here's to all of the heroes who don't wear capes! I know it's a little corny - but tell me you don't feel it too! ;) https://lnkd.in/dKTTzQz via @YouTube hashtag#notallheroeswearcapes