Upwork offers something for every type of freelancer. It accommodates both short- and long-term projects, hourly or per-project work and expert-level and entry-level engagements. Regardless of where you are in your career, Upwork is likely to have something for you.
Toptal is for seasoned, talented freelancers. Passing Toptal's screening process gives you access to meaningful projects with great clients (JPMorgan, Zendesk, Airbnb, etc.) and fair compensation (no low-bid contests). You’ll also be able to join the Toptal community for frequent meetups and tech events.
Craigslist is not just a platform for buying and selling miscellaneous things, it’s actually a great source of freelance jobs. You can easily browse for local offerings if you prefer something in-office, or you can search by major cities if you prefer working remotely.
peopleperhour is a great platform focusing on freelancing for web projects. If you’re a designer, web developer, SEO specialist, etc., definitely worth checking out.
Fiverr is a platform for creative types, including writers, filmmakers, producers, photographers and more. List your services for a price of your choosing, and business in need of content connect with you. It's super simple.
connects over 42 million employers and freelancers globally. Through this marketplace, employers can hire freelancers to do work in areas such as software development, writing, data entry and design right through to engineering, the sciences, sales and marketing, accounting and legal services.
My friends - if you are out of work - or expect to be looking for a job soon - now is not the time to focus on the negative. Things will turn around - but you have to remain positive and put yourself in the best position possible to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. So turn off the news and the constant drumbeat of negativity - and spend some time online to learn new skills. There are numerous online platforms that offer robust programs with a variety of courses - and many are free. You can find a Youtube training video on just about anything. If you would like a little more structure and sophistication - and you already have a LinkedIn account they offer numerous learning videos
Two other learning platforms I highly recommend that you peruse are:
Remaining active and productive by refresh existing skills or learn new ones will not only help you in your job search - it will be good for your overall wellness. Take good care my friends and I will be back with more information soon!