This week, HR leader and career expert Greg Giangrande weighs in on whether paying for a career coach is worth the cash. He also offers advice on where to start and what to do if you’re looking to make a change in your career.
Bending the Truth
Can you bend the truth on your resume - even just a smidge - to get a job? Career advice columnist and expert Greg Giangrande cautions listeners that anytime you fib, you’re putting yourself at risk.
Email Faux Pas
Who isn’t guilty of at some point, insulting a colleague who you didn’t think was copied on an email chain with other people. But before you dismiss such a faux pas as insignificant, know that an employer’s response could vary based upon the nature of the insult - up to and including termination. As career advice columnist and expert Greg Giangrande knows, many a career have been ruined for emails and text messages.
Can I Be Fired For Online Shopping While at Work?
Career advice columnist and HR leader Greg Giangrande answers all sorts of questions in his Go To Greg column. This week: Can I be fired for online shopping while at work? Employment laws differ by region but ultimately if you’re doing something other than work on company systems, you could be liable. Listen in!
Should I disclose how much I make?
So you’re on a job interview and you’re faced with ultimate stumper: do you tell a prospective new employer how much you make? Career expert Greg Giangrande discusses the new wage transparecy law in New York and offers ways to navigate the compensation conversation.
When Employers Struggle to Fill an Open Role...
When a company find the ideal candidate for an open role, where does the fault lie? Is it the job description or the HR department? In this week’s show, career expert Greg Giangrande encourages listeners to view the role of HR as Ally versus the angel of death. He also shares the most effective way to search for and land a new job.
How can I keep staff at my small business?
It’s always hard to find reliable people to work for your company - and in this episode, Greg discusses the additional challenges that small businesses are facing in navigating Covid-19, including dealing with worker shortage. And don’t miss out on the answer to Greg’s quiz question for the week: If your manager finds out that you took a personal day to interview for a new job, can your employer fire you?
HR: Foe or Friend?
Despite the stereotypes that exist, companies and leaders need a strategic HR function and partner to ensure they’re creating a dynamic, safe and inclusive workplace where talent can thrive. Tune into what Greg has to say.
Reunited and it feels so...awkward
As more companies reopen their offices, employees face the daunting task of how to greet co-workers they haven’t seen in person for forever. Greg shares his advice on how to play it safe - and also weighs in on how employers are reacting in face of the Omicron variant.
Holiday Party Missteps
With office holiday parties, Greg sees career-limiting moves everwhere he looks! Any employer making employees feel obligated to attend an office party this season are out of touch - but if you do go, be sure to listen to Greg’s advice on what not to do.
Something's Rotten in the State of Denmark
What HR professionals find more difficult than having to fire someone? Having a conversation about hygiene. Greg discusses how to navigate this slippery slope with Len and Michael.
In Gratitude for our Veterans
Its ‘not easy to make the transition from military life to civilian life. Greg discusses the unique employment challenges that veterans face and offers free 1:1 resume review for all veterans who are listeners of the show.
Politics at the Office
Greg discusses political views at work, sensitivity training, and reveals the no. 1 reason people are leaving their jobs during the Great Resignation.
Two Employees Walk into a Bar...
Two colleagues at the same level both expense a meal out and get caught. One person gets to keep their job whereas the other doesn’t. Is this within the company’s right? Greg answers this question and more - including whether it’s ok to fire a high-performing coworker with a bad attitude and tips that you may be on the chopping block.
Veganism to salary expectations - and everything in between
Greg discusses what’s acceptable in employment practices - from religious exemptions to the vaccine mandate to prospective employers asking about salary expectations. Listen now.
What's Legal Nowadays?
Can my company hold me responsible for something inappropriate I said or did a decade ago - even before I started working for them? Greg tackles this slippery slope in today’s show.
My Year of Living Dangerously
It’s been another long year in the era of Covid-19, and employees are done with work. Is it risky to leave the workforce voluntarily and take a year off? Talking about risks, if you hate your boss and you hate the feedback you receive, what are some tips on how to survive the dreaded performance management process? Greg’s got the scoop.
NYC Vaccine Enforcement →
Greg discusses hostile work environments and employer vaccination mandates on his weekly WOR guest segment.
Len Berman and Michael Riedel In The Morning
Greg discusses the ins & outs of employee terminations - including notice periods, company layoffs and more.